Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Official When Fangirls Attack Linking Policy

You are a unique individual.

You have a unique viewpoint.

If you post on the internet, you are putting your thoughts in a public forum.

We will link them.

Some of you are more unique than others.

You may get attention for that.

You may not want or like this attention.

That is okay.

You may ask us to stop linking you.

That is not going to happen.

This is merely a directory.

Being linked here does not mean you are affiliated with us or us with you.

Being linked here does not mean either of us get along with, want to help, favor, or agree with you.

This is a directory of unique viewpoints from unique individuals on a general topic.

(For our own unique viewpoints, visit our blogs and see for yourself.)

We have as wide a variety of posts linked here as possible.

In order to preserve that, we have to link everything we find.

So don't ask us to stop.

Because we won't.

Ahem, Kalinara, who casts aspirations on the legal profession and therefore would cut out my soul to rearrange it in alignment with her method of communication, forces me to utterly ruin the effect of this post by pointing out that we only link non-fiction opinion pieces. Promotional articles without opinion and fiction of any stripe is not eligible (and yes, that includes that webcomic about the four guys dreaming up plot points for female characters. We linked it once in the past, but never again, so stop sending it).

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Entire Backlog From the Past Week

Yes, we found the Official Seal Generator too. Now, on with the links!


Meaning and Morality Tales

A quick check-in from Hibbs (8/30 books)

Geoff Johns, Tease.

The Many Fashions of Miss Lois Lane


This movie just doesn't make any sense....


Call for Female Journalists

52 on 52 #17

Another Six Weeks of Winter?

"Stealing" people's significant others

Thank You, Mr. Chaykin...

Cover of the Week: Wonder Woman #199

What is this, prison? Is no one allowed to have fun here?

She Hulk: I Feel Dirty

Wonder Woman...Lesbian?

What the crap is this?

Caveat Emptor and all that

Y The Last Man Theories: Who Killed All The Men??

Detective Comics + Simone Bianchi = Hot, Hot Covers

Another look at gays in comics (and Ultra-Humanite)

Leave it to Supergirl

Sex and the Multiple Man

This Possible Wonder Girl/Robin thing:

Holy Discontent, Batgirl!!

JLA: New World Order

Cover to Cover: Girl Germs!

New month, new things to read.

A Big Green Choice

Black Superheroines and One Unknown

Blogoversiary (Last part)


Two Reviews and Supergirl

Motherhood in Comics

Quick Hit

How I love to draw bones.

GIRLAMATIC: The New Fall Season!

Supergirl #8

Statistics on rape, comics, etc.

I Have a Blog and I Must Scream

Stalking Mary Worth

Why I Read Slash

Disordered Thoughts on Character Appeal

Batgirl Returns

Superman/Batman #27: Nevermind

Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On (Last part)

You've come a long way, baby

All-Star Crap and Garbage

Dragon*Con Bodice wrap-up

For Discussion: Tom Sniegoski and Jacen Burrows' Cimmerian

Budd Root’s Cavewoman Jungle Jam #1

Johanna Stokes writes Eureka


End Times: T-shirts for stalkers

Show #36 - September 6


Ms. Marvel vs. The Mind-Raper Ripper

On Harlangate

Deepak Chopra, Snakes on a Plane, and Ricky Gervais in Fancy Dress: Comic Con 2006

Showcase Presents Superman, Volume II: Hilarity

Sometimes They Write Their Own Punchlines

Marchetto: Sexy Blond Doodler

Odd Definition of A Liberated Women.

Not Your Grandfather’s Supergirl

Leave it to Ray Palmer

Castle Waiting (Linda Medley)

Help Me Out Here.

Record: John Byrne