Wonder Woman Gets a New Voice, and It’s Female (George Gene Gustines)
Two good WW links (The Plotting Muses)
Gail Simone Profiled in NYT (AF Duncan)
Gail Simone in NY Times (Johanna)
Speaking of (Wonder) Woman… (The Beat)
Gail Simone's helm of Wonder Woman--quick note (Tamora Pierce)
QUICK FIX DOUBLE FEATURE: When Fighters Attack! (Mike Haseloff)
The Other Princess Di (There's a "Mel" in there)
Huh, they're right: this scene DOES work! (Kalinara)
Occasional Links: The "Spidey Loves Oranges" Edition (Occasional Superheroine)
F*ck You Fans (Rational MadMan)
Reactions to "Gail Simone Hates Women" (Rational MadMan)
How are fan-boys like battered wives? (Rational MadMan)
Open Letters: Comics Edition (Ariella Drake)
A Vast Statue-Making, Woman-Hating Conspiracy? (Occasional Superheroine)
Delayed reaction to Countdown #25 (McBangle)
Who is he to address this issue? (Avi Green)
The Trouble with Jade (Holly)
Women. (sigh) (A. Ishii)
Why Gamers Need to Get A Grip (Tiredfairy)
Exactly How Many Women Are Working In This Industry, Anyhow? (Occasional Superheroine)
Two good WW links (The Plotting Muses)
Gail Simone Profiled in NYT (AF Duncan)
Gail Simone in NY Times (Johanna)
Speaking of (Wonder) Woman… (The Beat)
Gail Simone's helm of Wonder Woman--quick note (Tamora Pierce)
QUICK FIX DOUBLE FEATURE: When Fighters Attack! (Mike Haseloff)
The Other Princess Di (There's a "Mel" in there)
Huh, they're right: this scene DOES work! (Kalinara)
Occasional Links: The "Spidey Loves Oranges" Edition (Occasional Superheroine)
F*ck You Fans (Rational MadMan)
Reactions to "Gail Simone Hates Women" (Rational MadMan)
How are fan-boys like battered wives? (Rational MadMan)
Open Letters: Comics Edition (Ariella Drake)
A Vast Statue-Making, Woman-Hating Conspiracy? (Occasional Superheroine)
Delayed reaction to Countdown #25 (McBangle)
Who is he to address this issue? (Avi Green)
The Trouble with Jade (Holly)
Women. (sigh) (A. Ishii)
Why Gamers Need to Get A Grip (Tiredfairy)
Exactly How Many Women Are Working In This Industry, Anyhow? (Occasional Superheroine)