Monday, February 18, 2008

Sick-leave Backlog Part I

The Super Nasty (Fortress Keeper)

Foster on black women in comics (Glyphs)

Black History Month: The Wall (FBB Remix) (Crossposted) (Pedro Tejeda)

A peek at the new DC superheroine Barbies (Nlog@Newsarama)

Extreme Jump In Logic Of The Week (Occasional Superheroine)

Aren't ALL DC Heroes Derivative? (Kalinara)

Join the team: Volunteer wanted ( News)

The Brand New Disgust continues in issue 549 (Avi Green)

Update on Marie Severin's Recovery (ComicMix)

Wandering Around Wonder Woman (Teresa Ortega)

Alas, and Anon: Y the Last Man, the Last Jester, the Last Issue (Amy Reads)

Modesty Blaise Presentation (Ink-Stained Amazon)

The Spectacular Comic Shop Girl #9, the Vastly Delayed Edition (Megan)

Prisim Needs Men! (Ray)

Variations on a Theme (Melissa Krause)

Here Ya Go (Ororo)

Call for submissions: JWOC (Lene Taylor)

Pre-Post-Feminism (Dorian Wright)

On Rape as Motivation... (The Sooz)

Discrete Music (The Estate of Tim O'Neil)

Indestructable! Indefensible! REPREHENSIBLE! (Anon, A Mouse)

Good or Bad?: Radha (Hippokrene)


Fanclubs, Tabloids and Other Thoughts (Kalinara)

It’s always Ladies Night at the Comic Book Store (Chris Butcher)

Episode 7: 101 on Sorcery 101 (Four Color Heroines Podcast)

Romance Special: The Star-Crossed Love of Jimmy Olsen Junior! (Or: Maeby Not) (Chris Sims)

5 Things to Like About Teen Titans Year 1 #2 (Siskoid)

I'm Not a Prude; I Just Think You Should Be Shot for Your Sexual Fantasies (Mad Thinker Scott)

Why I Do Not Feel Feminist Outrage Over Sexed-Up Wonder Woman, in 60 Words. (Anon, A Mouse)

CR Sunday Interview: Valerie D'Orazio (Tom Spurgeon)
My Comics Reporter Interview (Occasional Superheroine)
Valerie D'Orazio on DC, Comics Culture and the Female Presence (ComicMix)
D’Orazio dishes (The Beat)
Blogger Q&A: Valerie D’Orazio (Blog@Newsarama)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

February 3rd, 2008

Demographic Question (Monsura)

Silk Spectre (Brad Meltzer)

Retconning: Unoriginal, Inexplicable, and Frustrating (usually) (The Shark)

Amy Reads the Week (of February 3rd, 2008) (Amy Reads)

So I finally got around to reading the latest Batman and I have a question. (Kevin Church)

Buffy still THE Vampire Slayer? (A contagious state of being)

Yorick comes to the end (Redhead Fangirl)

A Sunday Review (Tegan)

Y the Last Man #60 (Ken Lowery)

Reconsidering Shadow Hunters (Kalinara)

No time for losers, 'cause we are the Champions (Swanshadow)

Where the girls are(n’t) (The Beat)

Progressive Ruin presents...the End of Civilization. (Mike Sterling)

Quick Notes on Green Lantern (Ragnell)

It's far too early in the day for such misogyny (Samantha)

Language and sexual violence (Saranga)

What Day Is It? (Heimdall)

The Retcon the Feminists Missed (Swinebread)

Jenna Jameson's Shadow Hunter #1 (Nenena)

Comics? Misogynistic? (Kleefeld)

Bait and switch (David P. Welsh)

Oh my GAWD! (Cheryl Lynn)

Y: The Last Man - The End of an Era (Jesse Scheden)

Geek Girls Rule! #38.5 - Comic Review: Alex Robinson’s Lower Regions (Mickey Schulz)

Conundrum to Adventure (Anon, a Mouse)

Advice sought (Dick Hyacinth)

Lack of serious supporting cast is what hurts the comic (Avi Green)

Now Quesada pins the blame on MJ (Avi Green)

Memorial Edition

Congratulations ( News)

Stephanie Gets A Robin Case. (chocolate in the fruit bowl)

Batman 673 (Stephen Dann)

Looking To The Stars: The Light Of A Fading Star ("Starman" Matt Morrison)

in between classes, an observation (Todd Zehner)

Jason approves of your "Rocks Fall" policy (Cheerleader for Team Dandy)

Yorick comes to the end (Redhead Fangirl)

Well, what do you know... (Ragnell)

For all friends and members of (Rubynye)

Case Closed (Jeff)

Notes from the field (Woodrow Jarvis Hill)

searching via friends - The Female Writing. (Carlos)

K. D. Loves Grant Morrison (K. D. Bryan)

Two Questions (Avalon's Willow)

Just Past the Horizon: Project Girl Wonder (Lisa Fortuner)