(Non-movie related posts here)
Even more Justice League details (Sami Ali) (See comments)
Warner Bros, you're dead to me! (phantomas)
"We never said that bad bad thing!" (Ragnell/Lisa Fortuner)
The Reality Behind Jeff Robinov's "Denial" (Nikke Finke)
The Stupid, It Burns! (Mickle)
Hey, WB! I've got your decree RIGHT HERE! (Notintheface)
Fuck you too, Warner Bros. Fuck you too. (Vejiita4eva) (Followup post)
No Chicks… (Thom Wade)
Warner Bros. Films Slated For 2008 (Jeff)
Warners: Women need not apply (Heidi MacDonald)
Warner Bros: Women still allowed (Heidi MacDonald)
it's WHAT THE FUCK day on my livejournal! (pinkclad capricorn spamazon)
since it's been brought up... (ll_ll_ll_ll)
My Disorganized Musings over the WB Movie Thing... (Kalinara/Melissa Krause)
Really now? (Kalinara/Melissa Krause)