Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday May 12th

Compare and Contrast

Two “Girl” Comics and a Buffy: My Lady-est Week Ever

Frank Miller's best Bat/Cat: All-Star Batman and Robin

“It shines through your beautiful skin”

The All-Time Top 10 List of Best — and Worst — Mothers in Comics

The Sue That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Gluey Tart: Mary Sues

Adding Incompetence to Insult

Violent Women of the Golden Age

Wordless image from the DCU blog


Marvel Mystery Monday: Leopard Girl, does whatever a leopard can

I'm not sure how this is meant to sit with me


Stock Tip: Marvel - Oh the Cognitive Dissonance

Marvel Editor-in-Chief: We’re sexist because I listen to Pink

Concept art (and a possible story clue?) from Marvel Divas


Nobody Cares About Your Breasts

Power Girl Comfort Food

The Virgin Read: You Need More Janet Jackson In Your Life, Power Girl

Facebook pulls ad featuring Power Girl for being being too offensive


X-Men Origins: Wolverine — Same Old Story

X-Men Origins: Wolverine is sexist?


Szn said...

Ok, so you know what fucks me right off?

How so many people focus so intently on PG's boobs. How so many people dismiss her because of them.

Like they're the most important thing about her, and yet somehow at the same time they devalue her, and make her worthless.

But what REALLY fucks me off about all of this is that it's not the misogynist saying all this. This is what the fucking FEMINISTS think.

No directed at you good people at WFA, I just needed to rant.

Maddy said...

Well, to be fair, I don't think all of those discussing PG necessarily claim to be feminists. =/

sara jon said...

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