"Amazons Attack" -- Alternate Surprise Endings (Occasional Superheroine)
A respectful debate over funnybook sensuality continues ... again! (Mad Thinker Scott)
Comics and Conflict (Roger Benningfield)
Dark Knight teaser trailer! Then, random cephalopods question your societal status. (Kali921)
DP Dot Com Super Heroine Series: STORM (Rodney)
Mark Millar: Comic book writers don't kill off gay superheroes, supervillains do (Lyle Masaki at After Elton)
Melissa Krause didn't read X-Statix?!? Shame on her! (Mad Thinker Scott)
My Favorite Wonder Woman Story...? (Swinebread)
On Feminism, Comics, and WTFery (novel_tea)
One Man's Meat (Mad Thinker Scott)
Politics in the Land of the Geek
Prognostication. Feminsts equal Kryptonite. (Rational MadMan)
"sometimes women just piss me off when they start flapping theyre mouths. "
Susan's Storm (Fortress Keeper)
10 Mainstream Superhero Comics that THIS Feminist Likes...
we went to the cheesecake factory today...
What's the Definition of Insanity Again?
Why? (Belle-Belle)
Why aren't there any mainstream comics like the ones feminists want? (Rational MadMan)