Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Emergency When Fangirls Attack Editorial Indecision Plan B

So Kalinara and I were talking about the latest couple of Gor posts. We were leery of including the first few, because the issue is not about anything in the comics medium, but a set of books put out by a comic book publisher. However, even those posts which spoke primarily about the books touched on the topic of comic books so we included them. Now we've rolled the snowman down the hill so to speak and its picking up bulk and running on a tangent. We reached a stalemate, and couldn't decide between the two of us whether to ride it out, even if it does sidetrack this blog, or drop the topic from our lists unless it specifically touches on comic books.

Kali and I are both fairly decisive people who can normally settle disagreements within a few hours. Granted, there is still the Hal and Kyle thing, but in the 474-post history of this blog matters pertaining to what was on-topic and what was not were very clear to us. This one, however, seems to be special.

So, we're pulling out our Emergency When Fangirls Attack Editorial Indecision Plan B (Plan A -- armwrestling -- was worthless in this matter because we can't do that over the internet), and polling our readers. (You feed and livejournal readers will have to come to the regular blog post to get a shot at the poll.) Do not comment asking us to list our baffling criteria, because you won't get a satisfying answer. Just make your own judgment based on what you've seen in this blog before.

[Edit: Poll erased because we've made our final decision. Thank you everyone who participated.]

And please remember, EWFAEI Plan B is only to be used in the event of an emergency.


Unknown said...

I'd say, only link to items which show a dramatically new or different point of view, piece of information, or argument.

Ragnell said...

E -- That's a bad direction for this blog, though. What's completely obvious to me might be new to you and vice versa.

All or nothing (well, nothing unless the poster specifically ties it to the rest of the industry) on this one.

Unknown said...

I meant "new" or "different" from what had already been linked to by this blog.

(Which still may not be a good direction).

It seems like the Gor reissue may be highly symbolic, but its not really that complex or interesting in terms of the issues it brings up, which have probably already been covered in the links you've already made.

Which probably means you can count me in the "nothing" camp.

Chris Sims said...

You know, I'm looking at the URL here and it says womenincomics, not womeninfantasynovels, so...

Alexa D said...

I think that because it is being put out by a comics publisher, it shows what sort of market the industry believes it has. Also, if this sells well, it will probably give Dark Horse (and other publishers) ideas about "what the public wants". Therefore, it is relevant.

J.E. Remy said...

On the other hand it does deal with gender issues and a company in the comics industry. It is certainly an important issue, the question is whether it's on topic for purposes of this particular blog. I think the poll's a good way to gain feedback on which direction to go.

LurkerWithout said...

I'd say only ones that deal with Dark Horse's decision to republish the series. I've seen a few new essays analyzing the books again, which while usefull, doesn't have much to do with Feminist Themes in Comics...

Steve Flanagan said...

If you decide to cover Gor, will you also cover the entire prose fiction output of Warner Books and Jonathan Cape, among other companies who publish both comics and prose?

Unknown said...

One other criterion which might argue for the "cover it" side:

Will the Gor books be distributed significantly through the direct market?

Matthew E said...

I voted 'no', for much the same reason as Chris, but the poll is a pretty blunt instrument.

Strictly speaking I don't think the Gor stuff is on topic. But it is of some interest, and it's your blog, so by all means cover it if you're of a mind to. You can always give Gor-related stuff its own heading to keep it separate, so people who only want comics-related stuff can avoid it.

I don't think that any decision you make can go far wrong.

Susan Knowles said...

I say link it if it includes discussion of comicry, not if otherwise. Presumably, anyone with interest in the Whole Damn Thing can figure out how to get to non-linked entries.

Mickle said...

I vote "yes" with the criteria that lurkerwithout gives.

Anything else isn't on topic, but if other speculation about other comics in the works counts, why not this one?

Having said that though, I completely understand not doing so in the interest of time.

Mike Haseloff said...

Needs more female superheroes fighting each other.
