Friday, December 15, 2006

December 13-14th

It's been a really busy week at work and home so I am way behind here. Also, when I went online Monday night I saw something that caused my brain to liquify and drain down my nose and throat. We will be caught up by Monday.

Oh, and because of the subject shared by some of these posts, I'll be putting the very sweet little story that I missed last week at the bottom to cheer you up. The faint of heart may want to just skip to that one. Also, those of you with mentally prepared rants may want to type them out before reading the last one.

Beyond the Pale

Greg Land

Superhero Costume Switcheroo

Creative License

Diana: is she human?

Greg Land, Wanker


Review: Action Comics #845

Once Again, You're Welcome

Solicits, because they're Just That Awesome this month

On that March GL cover...
Justice Society of America #1 Cover- Homage or Boob Fest?

Proving the Point: Cover to All Star Squadron 1

31 Days of Seven Soldiers, Day 9 - Zatanna #2

Semantics and Superheroes

Snerk... (This might explain that one.)

My Super Ex-Girlfriend

White Tiger: The “White” not so ironic, according to some.

The Eighth Feminist Carnival of Science Fiction and Fantasy

Announcement and call for submissions for Ninth Carnival of Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy

The Daily Struggle For Superhuman Beauty

I Read the Internets - 12/9/06

The Next Wonder Woman?

A lot like Robin: an unexpected twist

If it weren't for my animosity towards Hal's boyfriend--writer, I meant to say!


You know you've been on girl-wonder too long...

When Fanboys Attack

Liberal Coalition Top Ten

Moto shôjo mojo

Ross responds to criticism over Obsidian comments

#7 Red Sonja

A Study on Comic Book Women

Compare/Contrast: Tintin vs. Turner

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How To Write Comic Books

The Never-Ending Storm

Da Rules.

Where have all the editors gone?

A Friday Tale of Two T’s

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